Sunday 17 November 2013

The exercise regime

I'm keeping on top of the whole exercise thing, combining a mix of YAYOG - check out www. to find the only fitness/workout book I have ever followed from the start and I am still using it over a year later - hot yoga and Pilates. And also a lack of pizza (although I have just ordered 2 - doh !).

The whole lose weight but lose size conundrum is very much in effect, as in the weight goes from wherever it wants and my trousers are coming loose and the belt needs more notches, yet I don't want to go too far to go skinny. My shoulders don't look as big as they used to be (I don't mean they were ever huge etc). I told me friends last night it was part of a new "lean" look, which they kind of didn't believe. So am I too thin now ? I keep changing my mind and it often depends on when I choose to look in the mirror. My stomach is flatter definitely, which is good, but has the muscle mass suffered ? I think so.

Anyway, I haven't done a regular program like this for years, so this has to be a good thing. The thing is, when do you decide to buy new clothes - I mean, when do you accept or believe that this is going to be your weight so you buy 32 inch trousers instead of the usual 34 (why the hell can't you buy more 33 inch ??). I'm going to hang fire on this, as I do like being 34, but can't sustain being 34 without increasing belly size. Anyway, we will see...........

My first time on film

I was filmed for the first time last week - wrestling ! It wasn't something I had really thought about and the whole anonymity thing did go through my head (for example, there is no photo of me on my profile etc) but I did enjoy the experience. 3 semi-competitve matches, including one where it was me against 2 ! Would I do it again ? Sure. The thing is, it has given me a taste for doing mixed matches where the only cost is travel. Hmmm..............Also, I think the demand to see the same guy isnt the same as demand to see the same girls !

Music Censorship.....

There was an interesting article on The Quietus website a couple of weeks ago about re-writing history. Basically it related to a glam rock compilation that had come out but didn't have Gary Glitter on it opened a debate on whether this was right or wrong to do, and the implications thereof. It is also relevant this week as Roy Harper is being charged with sex offences too.

So it begs the question - we can't rewrite history. So do we pretend it never happened ? Just don't speak about it ? Separate the person from the art ? I think that this is something that has to be faced head on. I mean, why was Glitter not on the compilation ? To protect possible victims ? The record company didnt want the possible negative publicity ? Royalty payments ? If it was the latter then surely royalties could be diverted or stopped or whatever. Can we separate the person as a musician from the person who committed the crimes - I think yes we can and we have to. Gary Glitter made some great singles, so to forget this and only focus on what he has become infamous for is like some kind of moral thought police telling us that it has been decided that we cannot listen to him anymore. What will happen if Roy Harper is convicted ? Such a serious and immensely well-respected musician (his latest album was Uncut's Album of the Month recently). Will he be painted over ?

On another level (btw remember Another Level ? Crimes against music I think), it leads to considering what crimes are acceptable and what are not, and why some people seem to get away with it.  Wasn't R Kelly convicted of a sex-related crime ? I think his records are still played. Why ? Did he have a great lawyer ? Is he more profitable to the record company ? If someone is convicted of assault or a violent attack, do we still hear the records ? Yes. Why ? Some crimes are okay ? There is some kind of scale of acceptability ? Yes. Don't misunderstand me, I know that not all crimes are equal. But who decides this ?? The media ? God help us ! Will the history of Radio 1 be re-written too ? I expect so and it shouldn't be. Life is not black and white. People are not black and white (you know what I mean), we are way more complicated than that, and this is a complicated issue. It won't go away. But it seems "they" (whoever "they" are) would want to forget anything good ever happened.

The cost of............

Well the cost of wrestling. I've been exchanging a few Twitter messages recently about the price of a session and my feeling that it is already expensive enough. I think £150 for one hour is already a substantial amout for anyone to pay, so attempting to increase it is ridiculous. Of course, this isn't like a supermarket or energy company which forces its prices on customers (I never think of myself as a wrestling customer !), so I suppose individuals or groups will increase (or not) as they see fit, so really the customers will vote with their money and choose accordingly. I don't really buy (pun kind of intentional) the argument about venues needing x amount of money to make sessions viable or whatever and that if you pay £150 then the wrestler gets £50 (or however much) so therefore we should pay them more - to get paid £50 to wrestle is fine : it is something I would gladly do. Infact to be paid £50 an hour to do anything would be great !

Putting up prices would also put people off from doing sessions at all. I usually do 2 hours when I wrestle so to make an hour more expensive, will make me think twice about doing 2 hours and so I won't spend as much. It is counterproductive ! Also, there is money involved for travelling to any venue as well, so it is a bit of an expensive hobby anyway - we don't need any price hike !

Wrestling attitude towards mixed wrestling is becoming a bit more serious at the moment. I say "serious" as I'm starting to appreciate it more. When I first did it, it was more for the thrill of doing it, and sure I love any that involves things such as facesitting, body worship etc/ , but after my last wrestling session I was getting tired of not being able to do much. Basically, I'm now interested in learning moves and holds that I can use during a session to develop some kind of skill. I love the competition but now it's time to think about what I'm doing and how to do it well, rather than just relying on my strength. So maybe it is becoming a hobby ?

With this in mind, I'm going over to Manchester next month to have some training and then put it into practice - so maybe November was the time when I saw wrestling in a new light !  A light that I been shying away from, when really it was staring me in the face.......

Well thoughts.............

I don't know if anyone will read this, but if you do then firstly "thanks" and secondly feel free to post comments if you wish - nice ones preferably !

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